Sunday, March 25, 2012

Auditor General Wagner Encourages Vets to Pursue an Education

Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack Wagner called on veterans to take advantage of the educational opportunities available to them in civilian life. Wagner explained that he joined the Marines out of high school and it wasn't until he was 23 years old that he decided to enroll in college courses. Today he addressed the Veteran's Club at the Community College of Allegheny County.

Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack Wagner called on veterans to take advantage of the educational opportunities available to them in civilian life. Wagner explained that he joined the Marines out of high school and it wasn't until he was 23 years old that he decided to enroll in college courses. Today he addressed the Veteran's Club at the Community College of Allegheny County.

He said as a veteran "you're better prepared for an education after your military service." "You know how important it is to get an education, plus the fact that you have matured and you have matured greatly, and if you can take your military experience and add your education to it, look out!"

Wagner lauded groups like the Veteran's club, and said these types of organizations are particularly important as vets returning to civilian life will need the support of other veterans who share similar experiences.



CCAC, Veterans