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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Women's Healthcare in Prison

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27-year-old Amy Lynn Gillespie was sent to Allegheny County Jail in 2010 for having sex and becoming pregnant, a violation of her parole. In jail, she caught pneumonia. The illness was misdiagnosed and improperly treated. Both Amy and her fetus died. Robert N. Peirce, the attorney who represents Amy Lynn Gillespie's family, talks about how this happened to a woman who was originally jailed for retail theft.
(Third Wave Foundation)
Protesters gathered outside the Allegheny Courthouse in December 2010 in response to Amy Lynn Gillespie's death.

27-year-old Amy Lynn Gillespie was sent to Allegheny County Jail in 2010 for having sex and becoming pregnant, a violation of her parole. In jail, she caught pneumonia. The illness was misdiagnosed and improperly treated. Both Amy and her fetus died. Robert N. Peirce, the attorney who represents Amy Lynn Gillespie's family, talks about how this happened to a woman who was originally jailed for retail theft.

Listen to this story on Essential Pittsburgh on Monday at noon. It will be rebroadcast at 8:00 PM and posted online.