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Friday, January 13, 2012
Science Environment

Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Offers Christmas Tree Dropoff

Pittsburgh residents can drop off their old Christmas trees at four locations across the city as part of the Department of Public Works’ annual holiday recycling program.

Pittsburgh residents can drop off their old Christmas trees at four locations across the city as part of the Department of Public Works’ annual holiday recycling program.

Pittsburgh Recycling Supervisor Sean Wigle said that he expects thousands of trees to be dropped off at the Public Works stations in the East End, Hazelwood, the West End, and the Strip District.

He said that the evergreens will be composted or mulched by a contractor. A percentage of the material will be used in Pittsburgh’s parks and other city property.

We just ask that they take all the ornaments, lights, [and] Christmas tree stands off before they drop the trees off,” said Wigle.

The city will also accept Christmas gift bags, wrapping paper, boxes, and other holiday paraphernalia in its curbside pickups this January.


Holidays, recycling


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