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Monday, October 17, 2011
News Economy

Protesters Will Unfurl Banner on Greenfield Bridge to Rally for Jobs

Tonight, those in favor of the American Jobs Act will rally on the Greenfield Bridge in Squirrel Hill, draping a large banner from the bridge.

Shawn Wygant, who helped organize the 5:30 p.m. protest, said the location of the rally is a prime example of work that needs to be done.

In Pittsburgh we have one of the highest unemployment rates in the state right now. And there’s plenty of work to be done around the city — namely these bridges that are dilapidated, falling down, and really endangering the safety of our citizens,” Wygant said.

The Greenfield Bridge spans the Parkway East. It has a net underneath it that keeps debris from falling on the highway.

Following the rally, there will be a candlelight vigil at 7:00 p.m. at the same location.

According to Wygant, the rally is meant to catch the attention of U.S. Senators Pat Toomey and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, and to encourage them to vote for the American Jobs Act, the President’s plan to decrease the country’s unemployment rate. Wygant said the rally and vote are essential to the success of the future of America’s children.

Without good jobs we have no future, our families have no future, our children have no future, because without the good jobs we have no tax revenue for our schools, our schools are closing down, and the education system is suffering from it,” Wygant said.


American Jobs Act


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