Tuesday, September 27, 2011
News Transportation

PennDOT Uses New Lane Markings

You'll soon see many more markings like this one at sharp curves in western Pennsylvania.

Motorists traveling Pennsylvania’s state highways are starting to see new warnings painted on the pavement.  The goal is to improve safety at intersections and sharp curves.

PennDOT is painting the word “SLOW” on the roadway as they approach tight curves.  The marking is then followed by an arrow to alert motorists which way the road is turning, said PennDOT District 11 safety officer Steve Cowen.

In places where a state highway crosses another smaller road at a “non-signalized” intersection, “SLOW” will once again be painted on the pavement but rather than following it with an arrow, drivers will see a “+” leading up to the intersection.  Depending on the speed limit, a second “+” marking will be placed between 45 and 265 feet before the intersection. 

Cowen said the markings will often be used in conjunction with advanced, oversized warning signs.  “The Department is trying to implement as many safety features as possible, this is a low cost safety feature… to let motorists realize there is an upcoming intersection,” said Cowen.

PennDOT research estimates that the implementation of sign and marking improvements can reduce crashes by 25% at a given intersection or curve.

In all, PennDOT District 11 will invest nearly $1 million in low cost safety improvements this year.  Other improvements include cable median barriers, the removal of vegetation for better sight lines, and rumble strips along the edge of the pavement.




Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 8:58 PM
jason wrote:

Hi, Robin. Welcome to Pittsburgh! It sounds like you’re listening to WQED. Essential Public Radio on 90.5 FM airs On Point each weekday at 10:00 AM, and Fresh Air at 3:00 PM. You might be interested in our full programming schedule [PDF].

Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 8:19 AM
robin rinaldi wrote:

Hello All,

Moving here recently from living both in North Carolina and Connecticut I have to say I'm disappointed in the programming of the NPR stations of this area.  No Fresh Air, No On Point and many more programs that other stations have been playing for years.  Gone are the days of NPR being the classical music station and now are the days of voices speaking about politics, the state of things, yes, a pun, etc. 

I can only assume that it is the cost of this programming that is holding Pittsburgh back from the new format of programming that most NPR stations have taken on.  Don't get me wrong, I love classical music, when it is on a classical music station, not NPR.  Bring us the news of today, let us find out what is going on in the world.

Please let me know why the programming in this area is so poor. 




Robin Rinaldi

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